Has your rent been raised? Find out more about your rights

Am I in the right?

Tips and templates from our experts

Building & Renting Out Properties

Rights and obligations of the landlord during viewings

When and how must I inform my tenant of planned viewings? We provide answers.

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Rental agreement for garages and parking spaces

You would like to rent out a space in a garage or a parking space? Our agreement template can help.

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Required form for initial rent

In some cantons, landlords must inform the new tenant of the previous rent on conclusion of the rental agreement.

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Consumer issues

Do I have to pay the fees of the debt collection company?

I have received an invoice from a debt collection company on which high additional costs are demanded. Do I have to pay this?

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Damage due to faulty products

If damage arises due to a faulty product, product liability takes effect. What do you need to be aware of in such cases?

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Template – rental agreement for movable property

Do you need a rental agreement for movable property? For example, for a boat, drill, or motor home? Use our template for this purpose.

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Sponsorship agreement for sportspersons

You want to draw up a sponsorship agreement with a sportsperson, or you yourself are a sportsperson who is looking for a sponsor?

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Corona Privates

Certificate requirement - new requirements from 13 september 2021

We answer questions about the new regulations regarding the certificate requirement issued by the Federal Council on 09 September 2021.

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Tax deductions because of working from home?

What can I deduct from taxes due to working from home? MyRight has the answers.

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Should you hang your mask on the rear-view mirror of your car?

This can restrict the driver's field of vision and lead to carelessness while driving. MyRight clarifies where your mask should be stored in the car.

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Data protection

Personal data: What you should know

MyRight explains which personal data is especially worth protecting and what else you should know on the subject of data.

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Data protection: What you should know on the subject

What is data protection? How does it work? Where is it regulated? These questions and more are answered by MyRight here.

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Data protection: Which data is collected about me and how can I find that out?

We show you how you can find out which companies collect data on you and which data is collected.

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How do I formulate a work reference properly?

We have compiled a list.

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Fake sales and rip-offs on Tutti, Anibis, Ricardo, Facebook Marketplace and co.

Classified ads on the Internet – beware of fraudsters

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Teilnahmebedingungen für unsere Online Wettbewerbe

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My idea - MyRight

Whether innovative, revolutionary, or just plain and simple – we would like to learn more about your idea and expand our legal services.

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Sponsorship agreement for associations

Have you gained a sponsor for your association? Use our agreement template to set up your sponsorship agreement.

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Sponsorship agreement for events

You're planning an open air concert, a sporting event, or a village fete and are seeking sponsors? We recommend you draw up a sponsorship agreement.

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Toying with the idea of leasing an allotment?

Allotments are generally leased, which requires the signing of a contract.

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Shareholder loan

You as a shareholder want to grant the company a loan? We can help.

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Do you need information about debt forgiveness or debt acknowledgment?

You lent money to someone and now you want to grant partial forgiveness to the debtor or create a written acknowledgment of the outstanding debt?

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Drawing up a loan agreement

You'd like to take out a loan with a friend or with your parents? We recommend that you draw up a loan agreement, for which we'll send you a template.

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Partnership & Family

Contest school allocation

Can I challenge a kindergarten or school allocation?

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Property agreements in a registered partnership

Do you want to make arrangements for your property other than as provided for by law? You can find all the relevant information and templates here.

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Cell phones confiscated at school – What are teachers allowed to do?

For many, it is unclear whether and how long teachers can confiscate the cell phones of their students.

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Personal insurance

Caring for a family member-when the family can no longer handle everything alone

Terms like “helplessness allowance”, “personal assistance allowance”, and “intensive care supplement” - MyRight has the answers.

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If the reference rate increases: Is there a risk of higher rents?

Under what conditions is it allowed to increase rent?

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Energy crisis in Switzerland: Is there a risk of higher ancillary costs?

When does a higher ancillary cost statement have to be accepted? We tell you everything you need to know.

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New reference rate – will my rent automatically be lower?

If the reference rate decreases, you can claim a decrease in your rent. Here, we explain what you must consider.

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Raising an objection to a tax assessment

Our templates can help you if you have complex tax problems.

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New traffic rules from 2024

New year, new rules. We explain what's changing on Swiss roads in 2024.

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These traffic rules apply from January 2023

New bike path law, carpooling, and other important changes to the Road Traffic Act that you should know.

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I'm 14 years old, am I allowed to ride an e-scooter?

This legal tip deals with this and other questions on the topic of young people and e-scooters.

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Bankruptcy of German travel providers

Rights in the case of the bankruptcy of German travel providers like FTI Touristik GmbH: What are you entitled to?

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Traveling with children - do you have a travel authorization?

Our sample document will help you draw up a travel authorization

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Compensation in public transport - money back for delays

Public transport passengers will have more rights from 2021 onwards

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My company is insolvent

There's a great deal of uncertainty when an employer goes bankrupt. We tell you everything you need to know.

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What should your application include?

We can help you apply for a new job.

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Request for the issue or correction of a work reference

You are unhappy with your work reference?

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