Has your rent been raised? Find out more about your rights

You want to employ a cleaner in your private household?

Here you'll find tips and a sample employment contract.

The answer in detail

Have you found a cleaner?

You need help with your household and want to employ a cleaner? There are several points to be aware of here.

This represents an employment relationship.
If you regularly have a cleaner work in your home, you cannot simply pay the bill as you would for a tradesperson and a one-time job. An employment contract is formed – with several legal implications.

What do I have to do?

You must take out occupational accident insurance, register the cleaner with social insurance, and pay wages for a certain amount of time if the cleaner is sick. The minimum wage that applies throughout Switzerland must be complied with and your cleaner must have a residency or work permit. We explain further obligations and details in the sample document.  

Does all of that apply if I agree something else with the cleaner?

Yes. If you both agree orally or in writing that no employment contract will be formed, this still applies as such. You cannot decide this, the law does. While you can flexibly structure the employment contract, there are binding regulations that you must comply with. We also show you these provisions in the free sample document.

Can I deduct damages caused by the cleaner during work from their wages?

The hurdle to do so is high: It is only permitted if the cleaner intentionally caused the damage or through gross negligence. If, however, the damage occurred solely due to carelessness, then you may not deduct the costs from their wages. 

Is there a way to employ a cleaner without all of the administrative hassle?

If you do not want to employ a cleaner yourself, but rather would prefer to conclude a contract with a cleaning agency, then the cleaning agency has to deal with the legal provisions concerning the employment of the cleaner. This solution is convenient, but often also costly.

The free sample document with important tips can be downloaded here.

Important documents
Vorlage Arbeitsvertrag Reinigungskraft